This isn’t sex-ed. This is a fun and freaky way to spend your coffee break or bus ride. It’s a collection that has everything from STIs to fetishes to body info. Enjoy!
Oh, and I guess I should label this NSFW, just in case.
- Men have a “g-spot”. It’s called the P-spot (prostate), and it’s located under the bladder. Stimulating it can result in some pretty intense orgasms.
- It’s rare to have an orgasm at the same time as your partner (despite what the movies make us think).
- Sex burns off an average of about 100 calories per escapade. Around 100-200 for men and around 69 for women. Heehee.
- Having sex makes you want more sex. So, if you’re suffering from a low sex drive, sometimes just going through with it once (consensually) can help light the fires again.
- A quarter of all penises are slightly bent when erect.
- For women, blood flow to the hippocampal region helps improve memories. Sex gets the blood pumping. Well, so can exercise, but sex is much more fun!
- Period sex is awesome. Many people shy away from sex with Aunt Flow, but there are many benefits.
- For 75% of men, ejaculation happens within 3 minutes of penetration.
- However, for ladies, it takes up to 20 minutes with intercourse.
- BUT when women take matters into their own hands, masturbation whittles it down to only 4 minutes.
- Warm feet = easier orgasm. Apparently, if you’re feet are cold, it’s harder to climax.
- A single man has enough sperm in his body to impregnate every woman on the planet.
- 1/3 of people in their 80’s still has sex (if they’re physically able to). And don’t go “EW!” because one day, you’re going to be old and horny too. Deal with it.
- During the course of your life, you’ll probably spend around 20,160 minutes kissing.
- Ejaculate can contain ascorbic acid, nitrogen, fructose, lactic acid, inositol, glutathione, creatine, cholesterol, pyruvic acid, citric acid, sorbitol, urea, uric acid, Vitamin B12, salts, and various enzymes.
- If you’re under 40 and can’t get an erection in under 10 seconds, you might have erectile dysfunction problems.
- The clitoris has double the amount of nerve endings – coming in at a whopping 8000.
- Dendrophilia means you’re turned on by trees.
- Feet and shoes are the most popular fetish in western culture.
- Survey’s show that lesbians have more orgasm compared to hetero couples because they focus more on oral sex.
- Some women can have an orgasm through nipple stimulation.
- Shaving your pubes can cause small micro-tears, which then make you more susceptible to infection or STIs.
- 70% of people say they have thought about other people while doing the horizontal mambo.
- Men’s first squirt of ejaculate can travel 28 miles per hour (45km)
- One out of every six Americans aged 14 to 49 has a genital herpes HSV-2 infection.
- For women, fingers and vibrators are the most common penis-shaped masturbation device. Care to guess what’s the third most common?
- …Candles.
- The average vagina is three to four inches long.
- The vagina can expand by 200 percent when a woman gets horny. So, guys, NOW do you get why women say girth and technique is more important than length.
- When she orgasms, the vagina can then shrink down 30%.
- High levels of stress can utterly destroy your sex drive.
- Men can have erect nipples when they’re aroused too.
- We know that parts of our body swell up during intercourse – things like your breasts and genitals etc. But did you know the inside of your nose swells up too?
- Apparently, Iraq and Egypt have the highest porn watching rates. Which is surprising considering their extreme views on sexuality.
- Orgasms release a flood of natural chemicals – which can, in turn, help with many other health problems like blood pressure or migraines etc.
- Orgasms also release chemicals called oxytocin and dopamine which is needed for “pair bonding” aka. feeling closer to your partner. No to be confused with marriage.
- A woman’s pain threshold increases during sex.
- Rumor is, the longer a man’s ring finger is in comparison to the index finger, the more testosterone he has. Hmmm, myth or scientific fact?
- Only 5% of the population have sex once a day.
- 20% have sex 3-4 times a week.
- Acrotomophilia is the sexual attraction to people with amputations.
- If a female ferret does not have sex for a year, she will die. – I know it’s an animal fact, but it was too good to leave out.
- Apparently, women can make their voice sexier to attract a mate (no surprise there), but men don’t have this ability.
- Orgasms are like sneezes. Once they start, you can’t stop them.
- Men can get yeast infections too.
- In the 19th Century, “Dr. Young” claimed that his anal dilators could cure insanity.
- There’s more than one kind of orgasm.
- There are over 18 types of birth control available to men and women.
- Ancient birth control used many ingredients which have properties similar to modern contraceptives. Eg. acacia gum, which has spermicidal qualities.
- Ancient civilizations also used crocodile dung to stop pregnancy. Ew.
- Sex in water is very unhygienic.
- Between 1533 and1861, anal sex was punishable by death in England and Wales.
- Not every woman is capable of “squirting”.
- People in Britain search “spanking” more than any other country.
- You CAN have sex during pregnancy (although there are some conditions).
- Many people don’t use protection when performing oral sex. Uncool.
- A man’s general health directly relates to his sperm health.
- Maschalagnia is the sexual attraction to armpits.
- The oldest “dildo” was found in Germany and is around 28,000 years old. Although some experts argue it was used for something other than a sex toy.
- The key to comfortable anal sex is LUBE and RELAXATION.
- You can train your gag reflex to handle deep throating better (if you want).
- The international regulations around sex toys are abysmal. If you see a toy labeled “novelty”, don’t buy it. Chances are it contains dangerous materials. Some have been found to contain lead or even cadmium.
- Do you get turned on when you see tattoos or body piercings? You might have a Stigmatophilia fetish.
- Data-mining from certain dating apps suggests that Thailand has the highest rate of infidelity.
- American ranks first for the number of people who are into BDSM.
- The Vatican has the 2nd highest number of Whiplr users in Italy. Rome comes in first. HA!
- A milk protein is used in most condom manufacturing. Sorry vegans.
- Put sperm on your face to help with wrinkles (many anti-wrinkle creams use similar compounds found in sperm).
- In Canada, before 1969, oral sex wasn’t actually “legal”.